Phrasal Verbs
Hand (…) back Devolver Separável I handed the book back to her.
Hand (…) down (to) Deixar algo para alguém mais novo Separável I handed my old comic books down to my little cousin.
Hand (…) in (to) Entregar algo a alguém Separável You must all hand your assignments in by the end of next week.
Hand (…) out Distribuir Separável Could you hand these books out, please?
Hang in Persistir, ser positivo Inseparável Hang in there. I’m sure you’ll find an apartment very soon.
Hang on Esperar por pouco tempo Inseparável Hang on a minute. Hang on tight!
Hang out Passar tempo com pessoas Inseparável Their children hang out at the mall.
Hang up Desligar o telefone Inseparável I said goodbye and hung up the phone.
Have on / Have got on Vestir, usar Separável She didn’t have any lipstick on, which was unusual.
Hold (…) back Conter Separável The police were unable to hold back the crowd.
Hold (…) back Esconder algo de alguém Separável He held his tears back at his father’s funeral.
Hold on Aguardar, interromper Inseparável Hold on a minute. I’ll be right back.
Hold on! This isn’t the right street.
Hold onto Segurar firmemente Inseparável Hold onto your hat because it’s too windy outside.
Hold (…) up Atrasar; usar como exemplo Separável An accident is holding up traffic.
She’s always holding up her children as models of good behavior.
Hurry up (with) Apressar-se Inseparável Hurry up with the pen. I need it.
Join in
Participar Inseparável She listens but she never joins in.
Keep on Continuar Inseparável I can’t keep on doing the same thing every day.
Keep from Não falar Separável We kept our relation from our parents for one year.
Keep up (with)
Keep (…) up
Manter-se Separável If you keep those results up you will get into a great college.
Leave out Deixar de fora Separável Can you check the guest list for me? I don’t want to leave anyone out.
She left out the ‘m’ in his name.
Let (…) down Decepcionar Separável He won’t let you down.
Log in/on Iniciar a sessão Inseparável You need a password to log on.
Log off/out Encerrar a sessão Inseparável Don’t forget to log off when you’ve finished using the computer.
Look after Cuidar de si mesmo Inseparável I can look after myself.
Look down on Desprezar Inseparável She looks down on people who haven’t been to college.
Look forward to Estar ansioso Inseparável I’m looking forward to the next costume party.
Look into Examinar, investigar Inseparável The police looked into the disturbance.
Look out for Ter cuidado Inseparável Look out! There’s a car coming.
Look (…) over Checar Separável We looked the house over once again before we decided we would rent it.
Look (…) up Procurar em lista Separável I looked the word up in the dictionary but I couldn’t find it.
Look up to Admirar, respeitar Inseparável My husband has always looked up to me.
Look through Ler rapidamente Inseparável She looked through her notes before the exam.
Make up /
Make (…) up
Maquiar Separável She went to the bathroom to make her face up.
Make (…) up Criar; inventar Separável Richard was late for class so he made up an excuse.
Make up (with) Fazer as pazes Inseparável Why don’t you make up with me?
Mess around
Mess about
Ficar à toa Inseparável Will you stop messing around and get on with some work?
Mix up Confundir Inseparável I think you must be mixing up with someone else.
Move in/Move into Mudar-se Inseparável Our neighbors moved in yesterday.
Own up (to) Admitir, confessar Inseparável Don’t be afraid to own up yor mistakes.

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