Phrasal Verbs
Take after Inspirar-se em Inseparável I take after my mother. We are both impatient.
Take (…) apart Desmontar algo Separável He took the car brakes apart and found the problem.
Take (…) back Devolver, voltar atrás Separável I have to take our new TV back because it doesn’t work.
Take off Decolar Inseparável The plane took off two hours later.
Take (…) off Tirar Separável Come in and take your shoes off.
Take (…) out Levar para sair Separável My grandparents took us out for dinner and a movie.
Take (…) out Tirar algo Separável Can you take the garbage out for me?
Take (…) over Assumir o controle, tomar conta Separável A Swedish firm took over the company last year.
Take (…) up Aprender, começar a fazer Separável She took up languages and now she speaks Chinese quite well.
Take up Ocupar (espaço, tempo) Inseparável Looking for a place to live has been taking up all my time recently.
Talk into/out Convencer, persuadir Separável I didn’t want to move abroad but my husband talked me into it.
Tear (…) up Destruir em pedaços Separável She tored up all the letter he had sent her.
Tell (…) off Dar bronca Separável The manager tells you off if you arrive late.
Think back (to) Pensar no passado Inseparável I keep thinking back to day I met him.
Think (…) over Refletir Separável I’ll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision.
Throw (…) away Jogar fora Separável We threw away our old furniture when we won the lottery.
Turn (…) down Rejeitar/Recusar Separável Why did she turn down your invitation?
Turn (…) down Abaixar (volume), diminuir (luz, calor) Separável Please turn the volume down.
Turn into Tornar-se Inseparável She wasn’t a pretty child but she turned into a beautiful woman.
Turn (…) off Apagar (luz), fechar (torneira), desligar (TV, motor) Separável Please turn the television off before you go to bed.
Turn (…) on Acender (luz), abrir (torneira), ligar (TV, motor) Separável I’ll turn on the heating.
Turn over /
Turn (…) over
Virar, virar-se Separável He turned over and went back to sleep.
Turn up Chegar, aparecer Inseparável Our dog turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood.
Turn (…) up Aumentar (volume, luz, etc.) Separável Could you turn the TV up?
Try (…) on Experimentar Separável Try the shoes on before you by them.
Try (…) out Testar Separável They are trying a new presenter out for the show.
Use (…) up Acabar Separável Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.
Wait up for Esperar acordado Inseparável I’ll wait up for you.
Wake up Acordar Inseparável Wake up and listen!
Wake up to Dar-se conta Inseparável He hasn’t yet woken up to the seriouness of the situation.
Warm up Fazer o aquecimento, esquentar (motor, comida) Inseparável I always warm up by doing situps before I go for a run.
Wear off Desaparecer, passar, gastar Inseparável The effects of the drug will soon wear off.
Wear out / wear (…) out Desgastar Separável They are trying to design tyres that do not wear out.
He wore out two pairs of boots during one winter.
Wear out Esgotar-se, esgotar alguém Separável The kids have worn me out.
Work out Dar certo, exercitar-se Inseparável I work out regularly to keep fit. Things have worked out quite well for us.
Work (…) out Calcular; resolver. Separável He worked out the answer. They will work out the problem.
Write (…) down Anotar Separável Work on your own and write down the answers to these questions.

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